The Attorney-General
in a party-mask - Season 2
The Cast of Characters
Royston Bustwick - State-leader |Commodore Petersen
Jack Spooner - The Exchequor |Dirk van Ritter
Natascha - AI Manikin |Reginald Thudmore
- Attorney-general
Sir Perceval Lamb - Chair, Docklands Board
Many Fagan - Director-General, I & T Bureau
The oligarchs of the Table of Knowledge
Archbishop Garibaldi - Head of the Church of St. Dandy
Proctor Wallace - Head flaggellant-chamber monk
Vernona - the veiled one |Santamaria - flying pulphit ecclesiastic
O'Malley & the laundry dwarfs |Sir Nigel -
-the performing donkey
The Thallium sisters |The Madonna of Child Mercy
Matron Hansard & Mrs. Rash | Mr. Justice Brumby
Sodomous & Chastity - state electronic confessors
Samantha, Pasha & Gloria - glamour artists
Dolly - entertainment ewe
Warrin Fitz Gerald - the State Constructor
Lady Melrose, Magella Luminere' - Docklands Board members
Derek Whitehall - hairdresser, Whitehall's Salon
Dustan Whitehall - thespian groomer | The Talking Head
Jock Cory- Human Relations, Secretary Morris Dancing League
Tristan, Rapsody & Octavia - lady-boy servants to Sir Percy
Derek the Hornsman - Hornsman's Brigade
Mrs. Albertus - St.Dandy's Kitchen Cook
The State Traumatists | Mt. Liberty Controller
Alfonso - crimen sollicitationis addict
Dwayne – the state envoy-dog

Visuals - Still Image Gallery

Row 1( Left to Right)
1. The Blasphemous Head 2. The Garden Games 3. Docklands Centre Construction 4. The Vivatrium
Row 2
1. Flagellation Chamber Cage 2.Aerial performance 3.Peepholes of the Crucifix Warriers 4. State Envoy Dog
Row 3
1. The Gala-ball 2. Docklands Centre schematic 3. Disturbed altar boy 4. One-arm George
Row 4
1. The Gala-ball 2. The State Child Redistribution Centre 3. Natascha 4. St. Dandy's Cathedral Vicarage
Row 5
1. Smog Sirens in the Capital 2. Gala-ball oligarchy guests 3.Underground Atonement monk